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ROTATE <factor_matrix>,<number_of_factors>,L  / ROTATION=<method> 
with an optional ROTATION specification makes an orthogonal or oblique
factor rotation.

  A = General information 
  B = Varimax rotation (default) 
  C = Jennrich's CLF rotation (orthogonal case) 
  D = Jennrich's CLF rotation (oblique case) 
  E = Jennrich's CLF rotation (orthogonal case, ENTROPY criterion) 
  F = Graphical rotation (orthogonal and oblique) 
  G = Cosine rotation (oblique) 
  H = Oblimin rotation (oblique) 
  I = Quartimax rotation (orthogonal) 
  J = Quartimin rotation (oblique) 

  W = Weights of variables 

  M = More information on factor analysis 

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