SURVO MM Help System (web edition)

Key sucros

Sucros having one-letter names are called key sucros because instead
of normal activation (by /X for example) a sucro X can also be called
without visible traces by the key combination PREFIX M X
Typical macros of Survo have been made as key sucros. For example,
sucro X changes the position of the current word by the next one on
the same line. In such a task it is important to invoke the action
without typing any command.
A list of key sucros and other sucro tools is obtained by activating
the sucro

Another set of key sucros having names #X (X=any letter) but called
by the key combination
are reserved for users' own applications.

Different types of sucros

The range of sucros and their applications is wide. The smallest ones
are like ordinary macros and they simplify tasks and key sequences needed
repeatedly. The largest sucros are either teaching programs (this was
the main application originally) or specialized expert applications
combining Survo operations and other activities conditionally, giving
prompts for the user, and writing complete reports with text, tables
and graphical illustrations automatically from the data at hand.
In all categories of applications, sucros lessen the need for making
actual computer programs.

Use of certain types of sucros is described separately:
  1 = Teaching programs 
  2 = Key sucros 
  3 = Keyboard sucros 

  S = More information on ready-made sucros 

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