SURVO MM Help System (web edition)

Teaching programs

In sucros made for teaching of Survo functions or for teaching of
various Survo applications, it is important to control the pace of the
process. Since such teaching programs present real activities,
it should always be possible for the user to interrupt the run and
continue on his/her own from the setup generated by the sucro so far.

Thus any sucro (made for teaching) can be stopped by pressing the '.'
key. A temporary interrupt is achieved by the space bar. Another
press of the space bar makes the sucro to continue.
To slow down the speed, the '-' key is pressed (a couple of times).
The original speed is resumed by pressing '+' equally many times.
Many teaching programs have their own internal speed control and there
should be no urgent need for using the '+' and '-' keys.

The basic speed of a teaching program can be set more accurately
by the sucro command
/WAITSET <slowness_parameter> 
where the default value is 10.

Interrupts and sound signals in sucros:
A teaching program can be temporarily interrupted by pressing ','.
During interruption it is possible to scroll the current edit field and
activate various operations (but not sucros!).
Thereafter the teaching program may be continued from the interrupt
position by pressing keys F2 and ','.

Any sound signal can be activated during a sucro by PLAY SOUND commands.

Certain acoustic warnings and signals are automatically specified
by a line 'tut_sounds' in SURVO.APU.

'tutsound' gives a list consisting of names of 3 sound (VAW) files
<sound1> is heard when the user hits a wrong key when pressing of
         a particular key is prompted by the tutorial,
<sound2> indicates that an interrupt takes place (when the user has
         pressed the ',' key),
<sound3> tells that user has pressed keys F2 and ',' in order to
         let the tutorial to be continued.
All sound files must be located in the <Survo>\U\SND directory.
The current default setting is

Different types of sucros

The range of sucros and their applications is wide. The smallest ones
are like ordinary macros and they simplify tasks and key sequences needed
repeatedly. The largest sucros are either teaching programs (this was
the main application originally) or specialized expert applications
combining Survo operations and other activities conditionally, giving
prompts for the user, and writing complete reports with text, tables
and graphical illustrations automatically from the data at hand.
In all categories of applications, sucros lessen the need for making
actual computer programs.

Use of certain types of sucros is described separately:
  1 = Teaching programs 
  2 = Key sucros 
  3 = Keyboard sucros 

  S = More information on ready-made sucros 

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