SURVO MM Help System (web edition)

Text styles 

 [STRONG] begins 'strong' style (also shadow 1)
 [/STRONG] ends 'strong' style
 [SUB] begins subscript text (also shadow 2)
 [/SUB] ends subscript text
 [SUP] begins superscript text (also shadow 3)
 [/SUP] ends superscript text
 [DEFINITION] begins 'definition' style (also shadow 4)
 [/DEFINITION] ends 'definition' style
 [EMPHASIS] or [EM] begins 'emphasis' style (also shadow 6)
 [/EMPHASIS] or [/EM] ends 'emphasis' style
 [CITATION] begins 'cite' style (also shadow 9)
 [/CITATION] ends 'cite' style

 [CODE] begins 'code sample' style (also shadow x, shadow ()
 [/CODE] ends 'code sample' style (also shadow ))
 shadow 8 writes short text in 'address' style
 control [ begins a multiline address
 control ] ends a multiline address
 control < begins a quoted text block
 control > ends a quoted text block
 control ( begins a pre-formatted text block
 control ) ends a pre-formatted text block

Codes defined in HTML40.DEV driver 

  1 = Structure codes 
  2 = Headers and titles 
  3 = Lines and paragraphs 
  4 = Links 
  5 = Lists 
  6 = Text styles 
  7 = Other elements 
  8 = Fonts 
  9 = Images 
  0 = Forms 
  A = Tables 
  B = Miscellaneous codes 
  C = Colors 
  D = Frames 

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