Links [LINK(URL)] establishes a link to any net resource given as a &URL (Uniform Resource Locator) [LINK2(URL,NAME)] establishes a link to any net resource given as a &URL so that the &URL is loaded in a frame specified by &NAME. [/LINK] ends the link description (also shadow |) [MAIL(x)] gives an email address link [/MAIL] ends the email address link text (also shadow |) [NAME(x)] sets a named point ('anchor') to the text [/NAME] ends the anchor description (also shadow |) [JUMP(x)] establishes a link to the given anchor [/JUMP] ends the link description (also shadow |) Codes defined in HTML40.DEV driver 1 = Structure codes 2 = Headers and titles 3 = Lines and paragraphs 4 = Links 5 = Lists 6 = Text styles 7 = Other elements 8 = Fonts 9 = Images 0 = Forms A = Tables B = Miscellaneous codes C = Colors D = Frames