SURVO MM Help System (web edition)

    New functions of Survo (continued) 

   1 = FILE AGGR operation 
   2 = New random numbers in VAR 
   3 = Boolean expressions with negations and parentheses in SELECT 
   4 = /ACTIVATE sucro for activating a series of commands with 
          a given character in the control column
   5 = Optional operations and sucros for multivariate analysis 
   6 = STEPDIVISOR specification in HISTO 
   7 = Enhancements in touch mode (Data collecting, `Worm' mode) 
   8 = Cancelling headers and line labels in TAB 
   9 = Sucro W for working with several edit fields simultaneously 
   A = Sucro V for moves between various jobs by an automatic menu 
   B = Key sucros for users' own applications 
   C = Testing two-way frequency tables by simulation (TABTEST) 
   D = Numerical integration in editorial computing 
   E = Location of case labels in HBAR charts 

   N = Next page 

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