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STATMSF <Survo_data>,<output_line> 
computes means, standard deviations, and frequency distributions
of active variables. Cases can be limited by IND and CASES specifications.
The frequencies are computed according to a classification given by the
LIMITS specification where <low1> is the lower limit of the first class 1
and <up1>,<up2>,... are the upper limits of the classes 1,2,...
The default setting is LIMITS=0,1,2,3,4,5 .

The results are displayed in a more compressed form than in
the STAT operation.

STATMSF <Survo_data> / TRESHOLDS=<matrix_file> 
where <matrix_file> is of the form
row label   1st column
variable_1  treshold_value_1
variable_2  treshold_value_2
computes relative frequencies of values exceeding treshold values
given as the first column of <matrix_file> for variables given
as row labels in <matrix_file> for active observations
in  <Survo_data>.
The results are saved in a matrix file TAILFREQ.M .

 1 = More information on additional multivariate operations 
 M = More information on multivariate analysis 

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