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TRAN1 is a hybrid Survo module for investigations
in transformation analysis related to factor analysis.

Assuming that A and B are factor matrices of p variables
and r factors,
makes a transformation analysis from factor matrix A to B
by minimizing ||A*L-B||^2 with respect to L with certain
The optimal L is saved as a matrix file L1.M and it is
found iteratively from an initial matrix L0.
In most cases L1.M obtained by
is a good choice for L0.

Restrictions are given by specification RESTRICTION with
following alternatives:
RESTRICTION=0  no restrictions which leads to original
               least squares solution.
               Faster alternative: /TRAN-LEASTSQR A,B
RESTRICTION=1  (default) diag[inv(L'L)]=I,
RESTRICTION=2  ||E(A,B)||=||E(B,A)|| where
               E(A,B)=A*L-B and E(B,A)=B*inv(L)-A,
RESTRICTION=3  1 and 2 simultaneously,
RESTRICTION=4  diag[E(A,B)*E(A,B)']=diag[E(B,A)*E(B,A)']
               which seems to lead to the symmetric
               solution with an orthogonal L.
               Faster alternative: /TRAN-SYMMETR A,B

The solution is found iteratively by the polytope algo-
rithm of Nelder and Mead by minimizing
   f(L)=||A*L-B||^2 + penalty*restriction
The penalty coefficient is given by PENALTY. Default is

 1 = More information on additional multivariate operations 
 M = More information on multivariate analysis 

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