SURVO MM Help System (web edition)

Miscellaneous codes 

 [MAP(NAME)] defines a client-side image map, the name given by &NAME 
 [AREA(URL)] gives the regions within a map, the &URL of the region
              given by &URL, other attributes are:
      &SHAPE=RECT, &POLY or &CIRCLE (the type of the region)
      &COORDS (the coordinates bounding the region)
 [/AREA] ends the area code (also shadow !)
 [/MAP] ends the client-side image map

 shadow < writes &lt;  (the HTML code of character <)
 shadow > writes &gt;  (the HTML code of character >)
 shadow & writes &amp; (the HTML code of character &)
  The HTML driver removes these three characters, so they MUST be marked 
  with the corresponding shadow characters. The extra spaces can be 
  removed afterwards with TXTCONV, if necessary. 

 [Copyright] produces the copyright sign
 shadow ? gives an HTML comment

Codes defined in HTML40.DEV driver 

  1 = Structure codes 
  2 = Headers and titles 
  3 = Lines and paragraphs 
  4 = Links 
  5 = Lists 
  6 = Text styles 
  7 = Other elements 
  8 = Fonts 
  9 = Images 
  0 = Forms 
  A = Tables 
  B = Miscellaneous codes 
  C = Colors 
  D = Frames 

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