Environment for creative processing of text
and numerical data | |
Exact value of Y1 in previous example
Beginning status (before activation):
1 *
2 *In the previous second degree equation, an approximation of the
3 *imaginary part of the roots was obtained as Y1=2.783882181415
4 *We can infer the "exact" value with the INTREL command of Survo:
6 *
7 *
8 *
9 *
Ending status (after activation):
1 *
2 *In the previous second degree equation, an approximation of the
3 *imaginary part of the roots was obtained as Y1=2.783882181415
4 *We can infer the "exact" value with the INTREL command of Survo:
6 *X=Y1 is a root of 4*X^2-31=0
7 *
8 *From the result we see that Y1=sqrt(31)/2 or sqrt(-D)/(2*A).
9 *
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