The submatrix of matrix A consisting of rows a1-a2 and columns b1-b2 is denoted by A(a1:a2,b1:b2). The parameters a1,a2,b1,b2 may be either numeric or symbolic (or literal row and column labels). The following operations are permitted for submatrices: MAT C=A(a1:a2,b1:b2) / C will be a submatrix of A MAT C(a1,b1)=A / A will be copied partially over C so that C(a1,b1) will be A(1,1). MAT LOAD A(a1:a2,b1:b2),L / see MAT LOAD MAT LOAD A(*,b1:b2),L / * indicates the whole range (all rows) Special cases: MAT C(3,5)=3.2345 / entering a single element MAT C(1,2)=k MAT C(0,2)="sum" / label of column 2 will be "sum" MAT C(5,0)="row5" S = Submatrices by MAT C=SUB(A,Srow,Scol) L = Literal row and column labels M = More information on MAT operations