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Various normalizations and derived matrices:
MAT C=SUM(A)     / row vector of the sums of the columns
MAT C=SUM(A,k)   / row vector of sums of kth powers by columns
MAT C=MAX(A)     / row vector of the column maxima
MAT C=MIN(A)     / row vector of the column minima
MAT C=MAX_IJ(A)  / 1*1 matrix of maximum element with corresponding labels
MAT C=MIN_IJ(A)  / 1*1 matrix of minimum element with corresponding labels
MAT C=CENTER(A)  / centers columns of A by subtracting means
                   Side result: Means of columns saved in MEAN.MAT
MAT C=NRM(A)     / rescales the columns of A to length=1
                   Side result: Lengths of A columns saved in NORM.MAT
MAT C=DV(A)      / makes a diagonal matrix of a column vector A
MAT C=VD(A)      / takes the diagonal of A and forms a column vector
MAT C=DIAG(A)    / forms diagonal matrix of diagonal elements of A
MAT C=DIAGVEC(A) / makes a symmetric m*m matrix C of an m element vector A as
MAT C=VEC(A)     / forms a single column vector C of all A columns
MAT C=VEC(A,k)   / forms a matrix C of k rows of the elements of A
MAT C=NVEC(A)    / works as VEC, but moves the row labels accordingly.

MAT C=PERM(A,P)  / If P is a column vector (m*1) consisting of numbers
                   1,2,...,m in any order, the rows of A will be
                   permuted according to P.
                   If P is a row vector, the columns of A are permuted.
MAT C=P(A,k)     / Pivotal operation with pivot A(k,k)
MAT C=P(A,k:l)   / Pivotal operation with pivots A(k,k),...,A(l,l)
MAT C=CUM(A)     / cumulative sums of columns
MAT A=UNCUM(C)   / inverse operation of CUM above
MAT C=PROD(A)    / row vector of the products of the columns
MAT C=SELECT(A,k) / selects those rows of A where the element in the k'th
                    column is not 0.
MAT C=SUB(A,Srow,Scol) / selects a submatrix of A with rows determined
                   by indicator vector Srow and columns by Scol.
                   For example, if Srow=[3 0 0 1 2], rows 4,5,1
                   are selected in this order. * indicates all rows/columns.

  P = MAT PERM (details) 
  M = More information on MAT operations 

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