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DM <source filespec>,<target filespec>                       / K.Vehkalahti
displays two given sets of files at the same time. The former, the set of the
source files, is displayed on the left side of the screen while the latter, the
target directory, is displayed on the right side. Both source and target can be
any pathnames but they can not refer to the same directory. Files with the same
name are linked to each other in the display. If either of them is older, it is
displayed with different color.

The main function of DM (Directory Matcher) is to compare the contents of two
directories, and copy files from the source directory to the target directory.
Files may be copied either one by one, or by first marking them and then
copying all marked files. The newer files are marked by pressing `U'.

The key codes of DM can be obtained by pressing the HELP key (F1).

The file attributes may prevent copying of a file. Those attributes can be
changed for example by DD (see DD?). The files having ReadOnly, Hidden or
System attributes are printed with a different color.

Specifications of DM:

 GROUPING=<list>  Source files are grouped by the <list> of file types.

The files can be grouped also interactively by pressing the Group key (G).

 SORT=<criteria>  Source files are sorted by <criteria>. Valid keywords
                  are DATE, TIME, SIZE, NAME, TYPE, OS, MARK.
                  The default is OS (operating system order).
                  The sorting order is ascending, but it can be
                  turned to descending by a preceding `-', e.g. -DATE.

The files can be sorted also interactively by pressing the Sort key (S).

Specifications of DM (continued):

 DATE=<format>    Selects a date format. Valid formats are:
                  DD.MM.YY   DD/MM/YY   DDMMYY   YYMMDD   MM/DD/YY
                  (DD=day, MM=month, YY(YY)=year). Default is DD.MM.YY .

 TIME=<format>    Selects a time format. Valid formats are:
                  HH:MM  HH:MM:SS  HH.MM  HH.MM.SS
                  (HH=hour, MM=minute, SS=second). Default is HH:MM .

 DISPLAY=<mode>   Selects whether all files of the source directory or
                  only the matching files (present in both directories)
                  are displayed. The default is DISPLAY=ALL and the
                  alternative choice is DISPLAY=MATCHING.
                  These modes can also be toggled by `A' and `M' keys.

All target files are displayed, even if they do not exist in the source
directory. The source and target can be exchanged by pressing the `X' key. The
SHOW operation is called if ENTER is pressed (for better recognition of various
file types, use DD - this is meant just for text files and edit files).
DD may be started from the source directory by pressing `D'.

In addition to the `U' (Update) key, there are two other keys for marking
files to be copied: `F' (Fill) marks files which do not exist in the target
directory. `B' (Both) is a combination of Update and Fill.

Specifications of DM (continued):

 DM=<option>,<y>  <options> one of the following:
                      UPDATE  proceeds like `U' was pressed
                        FILL  proceeds like `F' was pressed
                        BOTH  proceeds like `B' was pressed
                      NORMAL  proceeds like without DM specification.
                  If any of the first three options are used, files are
                  marked and copying is started after single confirmation.
                  Overwriting of existing files is not confirmed in these
                  cases. The rest of the confirmations may be removed by
                  adding ",Y" after the option, e.g. DM=UPDATE,Y .
                  For interactive use DM=NORMAL,Y could be useful, too.
                  Use this specification with caution. 

The specifications SINCE, BEFORE, MINBYTES and MAXBYTES (see: DD?) can also
be used with DM. (They apply only to the source directory.)

  D = More information on desktop operations 

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