SURVO MM Help System (web edition)

DD <filespec>                                                / K.Vehkalahti
displays given set of files. <filespec> can be any pathname.
The current datapath and the default directory are changed accordingly.
The default is *.* (all files from the current datapath).

DD (Directory Dancer) lets you browse the files and the directories very
freely. You can change your file and directory selections interactively.
DD uses standard Survo tools like SHOW and FILE SHOW to display files.

DD remembers the directories you have visited and finds the same point when
you return to that directory. The directory list is obtained by pressing
the DISK key (F4).

The key codes of DD can be obtained by pressing the HELP key (F1).

There are three ways in DD to get a new file list on the display:
     1) Pressing ENTER on a directory name,
     2) Pressing the Load key (L) and giving a new <filespec>,
     3) Pressing the DISK key (F4) and selecting the directory from
        the list by its number.

In addition, there are two special ways:

4) Pressing the Where key (W) and giving a <filespec>, which starts a file
   search from the given directory and its subdirectories. If no directory
   name is given, the search starts from the current datapath. In this
   <filespec> several disks are accepted, for instance `CDEF:ABC*.M*'. If
   no disk is given, only the current disk is searched. If any disks but no
   directories are given, the search starts from the root directory of each
   disk. The files, which match the given <filespec>, are collected into a
   new file list.

5) Pressing ENTER on a zip file (type .ZIP), which not only lists shortly
   the current contents of that file, but also asks, if you wish to load
   those files. If `Y' is answered, the files (and the directory structure)
   inside the zip file will be unzipped to directory `DDTMP' which is
   created on the `tempdisk'. These files (and directories) now form the
   new file list. At this point some of the keys have different functions,
   e.g. the EXIT key (F8) merely returns to the place where the zip file
   was unzipped (DDTMP directory is then erased).

Deleting of files and removing of empty directories is confirmed.
Also, if a file of the same name exists in the target directory of either
copy or move operation, overwriting will be confirmed. But, if the target
directory does not exist, it will be created without further questions.
Please, note that the default answer is almost always `Y'.

The copy and delete operations correspond to the OS commands COPY and DEL.
The move operation is a combination of these. The copy operation checks
first, if there is enough disk space on the target drive. If not, none of
the files will be copied.

The file attributes may prevent copying or deleting of a file or a directory.
Those attributes can also be changed by DD. The files having ReadOnly,
Hidden or System attributes are marked with a different color in the list.

By pressing the Free key (F), the disk space usage on all disks is shown.
These data are in form of a Survo data, and a ready plot scheme is included.
By loading the lines to the edit field and activating the GPLOT command,
a nice bar chart is produced.

Specifications of DD are almost the same as in INDEX:

 GROUPING=<list>  Files are grouped according to the <list> of
                  file types. The directories form the first group.
The files can be grouped also interactively by pressing the Group key (G).

 SORT=<criteria>  Files are sorted according to <criteria>. Valid
                  criterias are: DATE, TIME, SIZE, NAME, TYPE, OS, MARK.
                  The default is OS. The sorting order is ascending,
                  but it can be turned to descending by preceding `-'.
The files can be sorted also interactively by pressing the Sort key (S).

The directory list file contains the last used GROUPING and SORT for every
visited directory. This `local' information overrides any specifications
given in the edit field. If needed, the file can be edited or even deleted
at any time.

Specifications of DD (continued):

 DATE=<format>    Selects a date format. Valid formats are:
                  DD.MM.YY   DD/MM/YY   DDMMYY   YYMMDD   MM/DD/YY
                  (DD=day, MM=month, YY(YY)=year). Default is DD.MM.YY .

 TIME=<format>    Selects a time format. Valid formats are:
                  HH:MM  HH:MM:SS  HH.MM  HH.MM.SS
                  (HH=hour, MM=minute, SS=second). Default is HH:MM .

 TUTSTACK=1       The following facts about the file last pointed
                  to is written to the sucro memory after exit:
                      W1: one of the letters D,E,F: D=directory,
                          E=edit file, F=any other file
                      W2: the name of the file
                      W3: the path of the file

Specifications of DD (continued):

 SINCE=<date>     Selects only files which were modified since (on or after)
                  the given date. The <date> can be any date, and its format
                  may be given by DATE=<format> (see above), or TODAY, which
                  means the current date. Also relative dates are possible 
                  with TODAY, for example TODAY-7 or even TODAY+1. 

 BEFORE=<date>    Selects only files which were modified before the given
                  date. The rules are identical to those of SINCE (see above).

 MINBYTES=<size>  Selects only files being at least <size> bytes in size.

 MAXBYTES=<size>  Selects only files being at most <size> bytes in size.

A file is processed only if all given conditions are satisfied.
The previous four specifications (SINCE, BEFORE, MINBYTES, MAXBYTES) are
all available with the same rules in DD, WHERE, SEARCH, INDEX and DM.

  D = More information on desktop operations 

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