INDEX <filespec>,L / K.Vehkalahti creates an index of given files. If <filespec> includes path, the current working directory is changed accordingly. The file list will appear on line L onwards. By default all files (*.*) are listed on line CUR+1. Examples: INDEX D:\DATA,CUR+3 / all files in D:\DATA on line CUR+3 INDEX WORKDIR\*.EDT / Survo edit fields in WORKDIR on the next line INDEX JOB*.SVO / Survo data files beginning with 'JOB' on the next line INDEX END+2 / all files in the current directory on line END+2 There are number of specifications described on the following pages. General options and specifications in the INDEX operation: The file list consists of the command, file name, comment, file size and the file modification date and time. The default output includes them all in above order. The default width is the same as the width of the visible part of the edit field. The dates appear in format "DD.MM.YY" and the times in format "HH:MM". The files are listed so that directories are first and other files after them in the default order of the operating system (OS). Each file in the list is preceded by a suitable Survo command depending on the type of the file. The default commands are: SHOW - edit files (.EDT) CD - directories FILE SHOW - data files (.SVO) >UNZIP -lv - zip files (.ZIP) /MATSHOW - matrix files (.MAT, .M) /CODESHOW - code files (.BIN) /TUTSHOW - sucro files (.TUT) /TCHSHOW - touch chains (.TCH) /GV-SHOW - PostScript files (.PS, .EPS) > - executables (*.EXE) GPLOT FILE - enhanced metafiles (.EMF) SHOW - other files (.*) /OPEN - various Windows file types (.PDF, .DOC, .XLS, .PPT, .JPG, .JPEG, .GIF, .HTM, .HTML, .PNG, .RTF, .TIF, .TIFF) Alternative commands are obtained simply by specifications <type>=<command>, for example: TXT=LOADP , TMP=>DEL , TUT=/ , SVO=FILE_EDIT , DIR=DD Specifications of INDEX are: GROUPING=<list> Files are grouped according to the <list> of file types. The directories form the first group, unless ONLY is used. An empty line is printed after each group. Example: GROUPING=EDT,SVO,TXT ONLY=1 Only the files having one of the types in the GROUPING list are printed. Default: ONLY=0 . SORT=<rule> Files are sorted according to <rule>, which can be one of the following: DATE, TIME, SIZE, NAME, TYPE, OS. The default is OS. The sorting order is ascending, but it can be changed to descending by a preceding '-', e.g., -DATE. Specifications of INDEX (continued): DATE=<format> Selects a date format. Valid formats are: DD.MM.YY DD/MM/YY DDMMYY YYMMDD MM/DD/YY DD.MM.YYYY DD/MM/YYYY DDMMYYYY YYYYMMDD MM/DD/YYYY (DD=day, MM=month, YY(YY)=year). Default is DD.MM.YY . The date is omitted by DATE=0 . TIME=<format> Selects a time format. Valid formats are: HH:MM HH:MM:SS HH.MM HH.MM.SS (HH=hour, MM=minute, SS=second). Default is HH:MM . The time is omitted by TIME=0 . SIZE=0 File size is not printed. Default: SIZE=1 . Specifications of INDEX (continued): COMMENTS=<L/R>,w Selects whether the comments are printed on the LEFT or RIGHT side of the file attributes (size, date and time). The default is LEFT. The comment width may be selected by w. The default value depends on the total width and the other fields. <L/R> can be omitted, if w is used. Examples: COMMENTS=RIGHT or COMMENTS=20 . WIDTH=<n> Sets the printing width. The default value is the current width of the visible part of the edit field. CASE=<case> Changes the output to lowercase or uppercase. By default there is no conversion. Alternatives: CASE=LOWER or CASE=UPPER . OUTFILE=<file> Directs the output to a text file. If no path is given, the file will be created in the current datapath. If the file exists, its contents will be destroyed. This option disables the output in the edit field. Specifications of INDEX (continued): TYPES=0 Not all file types are printed. Default: TYPES=1. CD=0 The current working directory is not changed. Default: CD=1. FORMAT=<format> FORMAT=BARE causes only the command and the file name to be printed (corresponds to DATE=0 TIME=0 SIZE=0 COMMENTS=0). FORMAT=STATS counts the number of lines and words of text files and edit files and gives them as a comment, for example #lines=13 #words=31 FORMAT=FULL adds the full path (disk and directory) to the file names. Especially useful with CD=0. DISPLAY=<mode> Selects whether the temporary output is displayed. Valid modes are ON and OFF. The default is ON. (This option is obsolete, since the general specification PRIND=0 or system parameter prind=0 are better for this.) The specifications SINCE, BEFORE, MINBYTES and MAXBYTES (see: DD?) can also be used with INDEX. Most of the options and specifications are shared with the DIR operation. However, COMMENTS and WIDTH are not available with DIR. S = Special forms of INDEX operation D = More information on desktop operations