In addition to the general device-dependent control words, the following control codes are available for moving and rotating of texts: (Same specifications are also available in GPLOT, see TEXTROT?) [MOVE(x,y)] moves the start of the text by x in X direction and by y in Y direction. [ROT(angle)] rotates the text by an angle given in degrees. The following example illustrates the use of these control words: ............... PLOT Y(X)=10*SIN(X) / DEVICE=PS,TEST.PS /GS-PDF TEST.PS HEADER=[MOVE(500,-50)][Timesb(18)],Test_plot PEN=[MOVE(0,0)][ROT(0)][Swiss(10)] YSCALE=[ROT(90)],-10(2)10 YSCALE2=[MOVE(0,30)][ROT(-90)],-10(2)10 YSCALEPOS=-50,50 ............... See [char_width(x)] on the next page! When using fonts of proportional pitch (as Times or Swiss), equally spaced text can be printed by using [char_width(x)] where x is the character width given in Points. [char_width(0)] means resuming the normal proportional pitch again. This facility is useful in plotting Y scale notations in graphs in order to get notations correctly aligned. Typical example: PEN=[Swiss(10)][char_width(0)] YSCALE=[char_width(8)],-4(2)2 P = More information on PostScript plotting