New functions of Survo (continued) 1 = Function bestval (editorial computing) 2 = Sucro XYSCALE 3 = Moving shadow characters and lines in SORT (extra parameter S) 4 = Deleting the current output (results) file by /DELRES 5 = Listing library functions (editorial computing) by /FUNC 6 = DELIMITER specification in FILE SAVE 7 = Simultaneous display of attributes in graphical rotation 8 = New LIST operations (MAKE, SAVE) 9 = STATL (extension of STAT for large data N>32000) A = Self-activating macros B = Numerical accuracy and form of results in editorial computing C = Changed action of LOAD in erroneus usage D = Screen saving features by disp_wait in SURVO.APU E = INFILES specification in GPLOT N = News after June 1996 X = Back to the top of the list of new functions