SURVO MM Help System (web edition)

sorts the lines L1-L2 in alphabetic order according to a sort key
defined by a mask of the form XXXXX on the image line K.
If the mask is of the form 11111, sorting will be numeric in ascending

sorts the lines L1-L2 in descending order in case of a numeric mask
on the image line K.
sorts the lines L1-L2 in alphabetic order according to a sort key
specified on the image line K and consisting of several fields
of the form  BBB AACC. Here AA is the primary key, BBB the secondary
key etc.
In alphabetic sorting the order of various characters is determined
by the file SORTCODE.BIN. This file can be edited by using the CODES LOAD
(and CODES SAVE) operation (see CODES). It can also be replaced by
another .BIN file by entering a specification FILTER=<name_of_file>.
The default path for .BIN files is >Survo>\U\SYS .
For example, FILTER=SORTLOW.BIN defines the order AaBbCc...ÄäÖö where
'A' and 'a' are considered distinct and 'A' precedes 'a'.

SORT L1,L2,K,S (as well as other modes of SORT)
with an extra parameter `S' observe also shadow lines and
move them accordingly with the sorted lines.

For sorting of data files, see FSORT.

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