SURVO MM Help System (web edition)

System parameters in SURVO.APU:

  1 = ep4, llength, lname ('fixed' parameters for edit field control) 
  2 = ed1, ed2, ed3       (size of the edit field) 
  3 = er3, ec3            (size of the Survo main window) 
  4 = speclist, specmax   (space for extra specifications) 
  5 = edisk, tempdisk, ...(paths for data and temporary files) 
  6 = qpath, sucropath, measures (various paths) 
  7 = eout                (output file for results of Survo operations) 
  8 = printer, ...        (printers and drivers) 
  9 = scale_check, accuracy, results (control of statistical operations) 
  A = insert_type, ...    (control of insert mode) 
  B = videomode           (logical size of graphics windows) 
  C = autosave, autotrim  (automatic saving, automatic text trimming) 
  D = Macros 
  E = Shadow characters 
  F = alarm               (setting alarm) 
  G = start_sucro         (sucro starting the Survo session) 
  H = crt_palette         (colors in screen graphics) 

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