Inquiry system: Parameter `qpath' (for example, qpath=<Survo>\Q\EDQ) selects the path of the default inquiry system (<Survo>\Q\) and the common forepart (EDQ) for the files which belong to this inquiry system. The same Survo installation may keep several inquiry systems one of which is active at a time. QPATH is a Survo command for reselecting the inquiry system during the session. Default for qpath is <Survo_path>\Q\EDQ . Path for sucros: Parameter `sucropath' tells the path where the user's own sucros are saved. Example: sucropath=D:\SUCROS\ Path for measurement units: Parameter `measures' gives the pathname for the edit file containing the alphabetic list of measures used in numerical conversions. Default is <Survo>\U\SYS\MEASURES.EDT (see CONV?).