The default values of the Survo system parameters are given in the system file SURVO.APU which is a standard text file and saved in the current Survo system directory. In normal use of Survo, it is not necessary to know the details related to this system file and alter its contents. The simplest way for studying current settings of system parameters and for changing them is to call sucro /SURVO-SETUP. The whole set of system parameters may be changed during the Survo session by the SETUP command SETUP <system_file> which also erases the current contents of the edit field. Certain system parameters can also be changed temporarily by the SYSTEM <parameter>=<value> command. This command does not alter anything in the edit field. P = System parameters W = New system parameters in SURVO MM S = Changing system parameters (SYSTEM and SYS commands) C = More information on control operations