SURVO MM Help System (web edition)

Background information from other data files (INDATA)

Information from other data files can be displayed on FILE MEDIT pages.
These other data files are referred to by an INFILE specification.
INFILE lists the names of additional data files (as in the VAR
operation). These files are referred to by names D1,D2,... in the order
they appear in the INFILE list.

For example, if we have INFILE=DATX,DATY then D2:Weight refers to
variable 'Weight' in data file DATY.

By default, values of INFILE data are matched according to the order
of the observation.
They can also matched by a certain (identification) variable appearing
in both files by using notation of the form
Di:data_file_i>match_variable  (example: D2:Weight>Name).

  M = More information on FILE MEDIT 

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