In addition to standard mathematical functions (like sqrt(),log(), etc.) certain special functions are available on FILE MEDIT pages. $MEAN(X) arithmetic mean of variable X in non-missing observations. $STDDEV(X) standard deviation of X $N(X) number of of non-missing observations of X $CORR(X,Y) correlation coefficient between variables X and Y. $MIN(X) smallest value of X $MAX(X) greatest value of X $ORDER() order of current observation $DAY() current day of month (values 1,2,...,31) $MONTH() current month (values 1,2,...,12) $YEAR() current year (values 2005,2006,...) $WDAY() current weekday (1=Monday,...,7=Sunday) $CLASS See MEDITCL? In the next |EXAMPLE| also usage of timestamps (MEDIT_TIME) is shown. M = More information on FILE MEDIT