Some of the FILE MEDIT pages may be conditional depending on the properties of the observation. A conditional page is indicated by a page header of the form Page:<name> CONDITION:<condition of type SELECT> Example: Northern=Province:LAP,OUL,VAA,KUO Small=Popul,0,10000 Page 2a: CONDITION:Northern*Small %1 is a northern and small commune. / %1=Commune END Since variables with lags and leads can also be used on FILE MEDIT pages, monthly time series may be presented year by year, for example. In the example below only cases 'January' are selected, but on the pages also information about other months can be given by using notations Temp[+1],Temp[+2],... for variable Temp. January=Month:1 / Definition of the condition PAGE Page1: CONDITION:January Year: #### Temperature in January %1 / %1=Temp Temperature in February %1 / %1=Temp[+1] Temperature in March %1 / %1=Temp[+2] etc. END This feature is used in the following advanced example. M = More information on FILE MEDIT