SURVO MM Help System (web edition)

Predefined options in FILE SHOW:
Specification OPTIONS=<string> sets certain options for FILE SHOW. 
OPTIONS=W permits updating of data (without a need to press F3).
OPTIONS=N displays complete names of fields.
OPTIONS=I sets insert mode.
OPTIONS=S initiates sound effects.
OPTIONS=T forces pressing TAB when encountering a field limit
          when data is typed or edited.
OPTIONS=C writes '.' instead of ',' and vice versa.
Options can be combined. Example: OPTIONS=WS
Specification RECORD tells the first record to be displayed. 
RECORD=101  selects record (observation) #101.
RECORD=Country:Finland selects the (first) observation with value `Finland'
       in field `Country'. The file must be sorted by the field in question.
RECORD=Popul>100000000 selects the first observation with greater value
       than 100000000 in variable `Popul'.
Specification FIELD=<name_of_field> gives the name of the first field 
to be displayed.

Predefined options in FILE SHOW: (continued)

Options are most useful in making sucros for data management.
Default options can be defined in SURVO.APU by `file_show'.
For example, file_show=NI in SURVO.APU is the same as OPTIONS=NI.
  S = More information on FILE SHOW 

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