A (filled) polygon can be plotted by a PLOT operation of the form PLOT <data>,<xvar>,<yvar> / LINE=POLYGON,<fill_index> The coordinates of the vertices are given by the <xvar> and <yvar> variables and the polygon is filled by the shading (or color) given by the (optional) <fill_index>. ........................................................................ Example: DATA POLY6:(X,Y) 0,0 4,1 3,3 2,2 0,2 1,1 END GPLOT POLY6,X,Y / LINE=POLYGON,5 GRID=1,1 ........................................................................ A more general form on the next page! If <yvar> has missing values, a sequence of polygons is plotted. A missing <yvar> value terminates plotting of the current polygon and starts a new one with <fill_index> given by the <xvar> value. If <fill_index> is 0, only the edges of the polygon are drawn. LINE=[line_width(0)],POLYGON,<fill_index> means that the edges are not drawn but the polygon is filled. ........................................................................ Example: Three partially overlapping polygons DATA POLY14:(X,Y) 2,0.5 4,3 0,0 3,- 0,2.5 0,1 4,2 3,2.7 2,- 4,0 4,1 2.8,1.2 2.5,3 2.3,0 GPLOT POLY14,X,Y / LINE=POLYGON,5 GRID=1,1 ROP=9 (Test various raster options using ROP values 0,1,2,...,15!) ........................................................................ P = More information about polygons