(in PostScript graphics only) Points in a scatter plot can be connected by arrows (or line segments) by giving an ARROWS specification. Its simplest form is ARROWS=A where A=[a_ij] is an incidence matrix saved as a matrix file and a_ij=1 means that points of observations i and j are to be connected and a_ij=0 that points i and j are not to be connected. It is assumed that when the data set has n observations, A is an m x n (m<=n) matrix. Thus restrictions by IND, CASES etc. are not permitted. The general form of ARROWS is ARROWS=matrix,gap,type,alen,angle where default matrix: incidence matrix (MAT file) - gap: distance from end points (in plotting units) 0 type: 0=no arrow, 1=end arrow, 2=start arrow, 3=both, 4= <--> 0 corresponding negative value = filled arrow head alen: length of arrow (in plotting units) 20 angle: angle (sharpness) of arrow (in radians) pi/6 To give a possibility to configure each connection individually (i.e. variation in line width, type, and color as well as in arrow type), the non-zero elements can be presented as decimal numbers of form a_ij = swww.tacc where www (one or more digits) is the line width as multiple of 0.24 Points, 0.24(Point:mm)=0.084666..., t (one digit) is index of line type (LINETYPE?), a (one digit) is arrow type (see previous page), cc (two digits) is the index of color given by FILL spec., s (sign) '-' gives filled arrow head(s). For example, a_ij=-5.0304 implies an arrow having width 5*0.24=1.2 Points, solid line type (0), arrow type >---> (3), filled arrow heads (-), and color (4) specified by FILL(-4)=c,m,y,k (See PSCOLOR?). Examples are given in http://www.survo.fi/tmp/VectorDiagrams.pdf and an edit file containing these examples is http://www.survo.fi/tmp/ARROWS.EDT