PLOT <data>,<xvar>,<yvar> where <xvar> and <yvar> are names of the variables in the data file. plots a scatter diagram or a time series. The character indicating the place of each observation may be given by a POINT=<character> specification. If POINT is omitted, a small point is plotted. Also values of a third variable may be plotted by using POINT=<name of variable>. To make a line graph (plot of time series) a LINE specification has to be included. It has the form LINE=<line type>,<thickness>,<line label>, see LINE. In time series plotting <xvar> may be replaced by TIME(<xvar>). Then the points on the X scale will be notated by the values of <xvar>. For example, in plotting a monthly time series SER12 in data DATA3 and using variable YEAR for X scale notations PLOT DATA3,TIME(YEAR),SER12 / XSCALE=1(12)61 GRID=XY TICK=1 produces a graph where years are notated with labels and months with small ticks. PLOT <data>,<xvar>,<yvar1>,<yvar2>,... plots simultaneusly (at most 12) variables <yvar1>,<yvar2>,,, against one <xvar>. The consecutive points of each <yvar> are connected by a line specified by LINE. Each <yvar> can have a line type of its own by giving specifi- cations of the form <yvar>LINE=<line type>,<thickness>,<line label> (see LINE). The consecutive points of each <yvar> are labelled by the POINT specifi- cation. Each <yvar> can have a label of its own by giving specifications of the form <yvar>POINT=<list of parameters according to POINT> (see POINT). X = Extra specifications P = More information on plotting in general