SURVO MM Help System (web edition)

A control line (with a '-' in the control column) in the print list
or in an include file (driver) and having the form
  - define [new_word] [word1][word2]...
defines a new control word [new_word] as a combination (concatenation)
of previously defined words [word1][word2]...
The only predefined 'words' are the characters and character codes
in hexadecimal form in brackets. Thus [a/b] corresponds to decimal
code 16*a+b. All other words must be composed from characters and
from words already defined. Observe that any word can be redefined
later and all words depending on this word will be interpreted there-
after according to this new definition.
For example:
      - define [SP] [2/0]
      - define [three_spaces] [SP][SP][SP]
      - define [AA] A[three_spaces]A
Any control word thus defined can be used on a control line (having
a '-' in the control column). For example line
      - [AA][SP][AA]
will produce same output as a normal edit line
      *A   A A   A

The maximum amount of text in control word definitions of PRINT
is by default limited to 60000 bytes.
This value can be altered by giving a line
in the control file SURVO.APU.
  P = More information on PRINT 

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