Environment for creative processing of text and numerical data


Manipulating a table

Beginning status (before activations):
   1 *
   2 *C/ A,B,K      /  Calculate new column Beer/Wine.
   3 *CHANGE K,B,K  /  Exchange Wine and Beer.
   4 *DELETE K,B,9  /  Finally remove the Spirits column
   5 *CLEAR K,K     /  and the mask line.
   6 *
   7 K                            YYYYY  XXXXX           12.123
   8 *
   9 *  Country      Coffee  Tea   Wine   Beer  Spirits   Be/Wi
  10 A  Finland       12.5   0.1    7.6   54.7     2.7
  11 *  Sweden        12.9   0.3    7.9   58.3     2.9
  12 *  Norway         9.4   0.2    3.1   43.5     1.8
  13 *  Denmark       11.8   0.4   10.4  113.9     1.7
  14 *  England        1.8   3.5    5.1  113.7     1.4
  15 *  Ireland        0.2   3.7    3.8  124.5     1.9
  16 *  Holland        9.2   0.6    9.7   75.5     2.7
  17 *  Switzerland    9.1   0.3   44.9   73.5     2.1
  18 *  France         5.2   0.1  104.3   44.5     2.5
  19 *  Italy          3.6   0.1  106.6   13.6     2.0
  20 *  Spain          2.5   0.0   73.2   43.6     2.7
  21 B  Portugal       2.2   0.0   89.3   27.5     0.9
  22 *

Ending status (after activations):
   1 *
   2 *C/ A,B,K      /  Calculate new column Beer/Wine.
   3 *CHANGE K,B,K  /  Exchange Wine and Beer.
   4 *DELETE K,B,9  /  Finally remove the Spirits column
   5 *CLEAR K,K     /  and the mask line.
   6 *
   7 K
   8 *
   9 *  Country      Coffee  Tea   Beer   Wine   Be/Wi
  10 A  Finland       12.5   0.1   54.7    7.6   7.197
  11 *  Sweden        12.9   0.3   58.3    7.9   7.380
  12 *  Norway         9.4   0.2   43.5    3.1  14.032
  13 *  Denmark       11.8   0.4  113.9   10.4  10.952
  14 *  England        1.8   3.5  113.7    5.1  22.294
  15 *  Ireland        0.2   3.7  124.5    3.8  32.763
  16 *  Holland        9.2   0.6   75.5    9.7   7.784
  17 *  Switzerland    9.1   0.3   73.5   44.9   1.637
  18 *  France         5.2   0.1   44.5  104.3   0.427
  19 *  Italy          3.6   0.1   13.6  106.6   0.128
  20 *  Spain          2.5   0.0   43.6   73.2   0.596
  21 B  Portugal       2.2   0.0   27.5   89.3   0.308
  22 *

In the commands on line 4 and 5, the position of the cursor indicates the target columns of the operations.

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