Dichotomous object variables If you want to tabulate some grouping variables with a group of dichotomous variables (one at a time) then a lot of space can be saved by using IVARIABLES specification for these dichotomous variables, e.g. GROUPING=CAR IVARIABLES=Featr1,Featr2,Featr3,Featr4,Featr5,Featr6 Featr4=2 Featr5=10,99 Featr6=USA By default the program assumes that the interesting value of a dichotomous object variable is 1, which is tabulated against all othe values considered as one group. Only the results for that interesting group are given. The user may define other interesting values by the following form: <variable name>=<min,max> or <string> If necessary the maximum number of object variables may be altered by MAXVBLS=<new limit> definition. Note! The VARIABLES and IVARIABLES specifications may not be used at the same time. Further information: M = More information on the MTAB operation