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With the ROW and COL specifications you can design your tables.
The expressions given in the specifications include names of
object and/or grouping variables as elements and operators,
which define how the elements are used. Only variables defined
in VARIABLES, IVARIABLES or GROUPING specifications may be used
The following operations are available:

 *  cross variables, e.g. A*B
 ,  concatenate variables, e.g. A,B,C
 () control the order of the other two operations, e.g. A*(B,C)

You can cross grouping variables with object variables or with
other grouping variables. Suppose that A and B are grouping variables
and Y is an object variable. Specification A*B means that the values
of B are nested within the levels of A:
  A1  A1  A1  A2  A2  A2
  B1  B2  B3  B1  B2  B3
Specification A*Y declares that statistics for the object variable
Y are requested for each group of A.

If A,B is specified then the levels of A are formed first and
the levels of B after that:
  A1  A2  B1  B2  B3

Grouping variables may appear both in COL and ROW specifications,
but object variables only in either of them. If object variables
are given in COL specification then different cell statistics are
printed in different rows. If object variables are defined in ROW
specification then different statistics are represented each by their
own column.

Parenthesis may be used to define the order of the operations.
If A is a grouping variables and X and Y are object variables,
then specification
defines that first means of the two variables are represented
for the first group of A and after that for the second group
of A. If we want the means of variable X to be represented first
for all groups, we define

Especially the use of col specification is limited by the number
of columns available. By default, the table is split into
subtables so that the line length of the edit field is not
exceeded. The maximum number of columns in one (sub)table may
be decreased by MAXCOLS=<n of columns>.

Examples ...
Two simple examples describing the difference of COL and ROW


Means, Deviations and Frequencies

     Attitude Attitude Attitude Attitude
     1.000    2.000    3.000    Total
     Knowldge Knowldge Knowldge Knowldge

  M    83.412   72.282   53.833   69.853
  D    35.370   31.480   31.971   32.991
  N        17      103       30      150


Means, Deviations and Frequencies

                   Means    St.d.    N of obs
 1.000    Knowldge   83.412   35.370       17
 2.000    Knowldge   72.282   31.480      103
 3.000    Knowldge   53.833   31.971       30
 Total    Knowldge   69.853   32.991      150
Example: Three grouping variables and three object variables:

COL=S*(K,App,M)      variable names in COL and ROW may be
ROW=G*Att            shortened as long they are unique
Means, Deviations and Frequencies

Subtable 1

                       Sex      Sex      Sex      Sex      Sex
                       1.000    1.000    1.000    2.000    2.000
                       Knowldge Applicat Mentalpr Knowldge Applicat
 Grade    Attitude
 7.000    1.000     M    72.667   56.000   12.333   83.000   45.000
                    D    26.577   12.767   19.140        -        -
                    N         3        3        3        1        1

          2.000     M    57.167   43.792   17.833   64.500   30.917
                    D    29.660   26.231   16.177   20.690   17.814
                    N        24       24       24       12       12
          etc. ...
If both ROW and COL specifications are used but all grouping
variables are not used in those definitions, then the unreferred
grouping variables are treated as background variables. Results
are given for each combination of the values of the background

Further information:
  M = More information on the MTAB operation 

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