VAR <y_variable>=#<function>(<expression>) TO <data> makes various special transformations of <expression> to <y_variable>. In most cases <expression> is simply a variable. The following #<functions> are available: #RANK (ranks of values, tied observations with average rank) #NRANK (ranks of values, tied observations with lowest rank) #NORMAL (normalized values with original mean and variance) #STD (standardized values with mean=0, #CENTER (centered values with mean=0) #PROPORTION (values divided by their total sum) #PERCENT (100 times values divided by their total sum) #TRUNCP (outliers specified by P are replaced by missing values) #WINSP (outliers specified by P are replaced by border values) #TRUNCL (outliers specified by LEVEL are replaced by missing values) #WINSL (outliers specified by LEVEL are replaced by border values) In #TRUNCP and #WINSP 100(1-P)% of the observations are considered outliers. P is given by the specification P=<value> and default is 0.95. In #TRUNCL and #WINSL an observation X is an outlier if abs(X-mean) > level*stddev. Level is given by the specification LEVEL=<level> and default is 1.96. For example, VAR Y=#PERCENT(X) TO DATA1 / gives Y values as 100*X/Sum_of_X's VAR Y=#NORMAL(X) TO DATA1 / computes normalized X values as variable Y. V = More information on VAR operation