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If a string variable holds numerical information, it can be treated
like numerical variables in numerical transformations (by the VAR operation.)

To modify true textual information in string variables, a VAR operation
of the form
VAR str(U,p,len)=str(V1,p1,len1)&str(V2,p2,len2)&... TO <data> 
where U,V1,V2,... are string variables, is available.
Above, str(U,p,len) means a partial string of U starting from position 'p'
and having length of 'len' bytes. Alternative notations are
str(U) (the whole string field), str(U,p) (the whole field from 'p' onwards).
'&' means concatenation (chaining) of the strings.
On the right hand side also constant strings of the form "ABC" can appear.
(Examples are given on the next page.)

pos(S,p,string) is a useful auxiliary function giving the position of 'string'
in the string variable S after the 'p'th position.
pos(S,string) is the same as pos(S,1,string) .
For example, if S is "ABC:123:X", then pos(S,:)=4, pos(S,5,:)=8, pos(S,Z)=0 .

Conditional VAR statements of the form
VAR Var1=if(str(...)=str(...))then(value1)else(value2) TO DATA1
are allowed. Also <,>,<> etc. are possible as relational symbols.
Also string fields with lags and leads are permitted.
For example,
VAR S=if(str(X[-1],1,2)=str(X,1,2))then(1)else(0) TO DATA1
gives S=1 when the 2 first characters of X are same in the previous
record and S=0 otherwise.

Trailing blanks in string concatenation:
In string expression of the form str(A)&str(B)&str(C) trailing blanks
are included.
To remove such blanks, `connector' `|' is used in place of `&'.
Thus if str(A)="AA  ", str(B)="BBB   ", str(C)="anything",
str(A)&str(B)&str(C)="AA  BBB   anything" but
str(A)|str(B)|sp&str(C)="AABBB anything" (sp denotes one blank).

   Examples: (See, what are the effects of the VAR operations below.)

 Code1   Code2    Year1  Code3     len   D  LagY
 281037  AB/1967   1937  1967:AB     7   0       
 170667  A/1978    1967  1978:A      6   0    37 
 120659  ACD/1977  1959  1977:ACD    8   0    67 
 190939  D/1989    1939  1989:D      6   1    59 
VAR str(Year1)="19"&str(Code1,5) TO TEST
VAR str(Code3)=str(Code2,pos1+1,4)&":"&str(Code2,1,pos1-1) TO TEST
VAR len=pos(Code2,sp)-1 TO TEST
                  sp (or space) is the notation for the 'space' character.
                  comma is the notation for ',' .
VAR D=if(str(Code2,1,1)="D")then(1)else(0) TO TEST / conditional statement
VAR str(LagY[+1])=str(Year1,3,2) TO TEST / lags and leads allowed

VAR str(var2)=split(var1,<len>,<char>)
   splits a string in var1 so that spaces between 'words' are replaced
   by <char> so that the length of each substring is at most <len> 
   except for 'words' longer that <len> bytes.
   Example: VARSTR(str2)=split(var1,8,|) converts
   var1="This is a long string" into form
   var2="This is|a long|string|".
     V = More information on VAR operation 

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