VAR <list of variables> TO <data> with transformation statements written in the same edit field and defining values for the variables in the list specifies simultaneously several transformations and definitions of variables as functions of other ones. If a variable in the <list of variables> does not exist, it will be automatically created provided that there is enough space in <data>. Example: (Data RECTANGLS includes variables 'Width' and 'Height') VAR Area,Diagonal TO RECTANGLS Area=Width*Height Diagonal=sqrt(Width^2+Height^2) Conditional statements may appear as follows: VAR Ageclass:1 TO SAMPLE_3 / 'Ageclass' will be a new one-byte variable Ageclass=if(Age<26)then(1)else(A2) A2=if(Age<=60)then(2)else(3) To avoid confusions, it is advisable to protect all those variables whose values must not be altered. V = More information on VAR operation