Error control in sucros: Errors in applications using various Survo operations may have harmful consequences in sucros. For example, a sucro may try to operate on a non-existent data file suggested by the user. To overcome such failures, an automatic error recovery scheme has been added. Whenever an error occurs, Survo gives an error message and prompts to press any key). Such messages will be omitted in sucros. Instead of an interrupt, the current contents of the sucro memory will be replaced by ERR@<error_no.>@<name_of_operation>@<error_message> and a special error handler SURVOERR.TUT (in <Survo>\S) is called to display the error message on the bottom line and the current job is terminated. In any sucro application, this error handler sucro can be replaced by another, possibly giving a chance for the user to correct his/her actions before trying again. To override the default error handler sucro (SURVOERR), give the code word {error handler <name_of_sucro>} and your own routine will take the responsibility for the consequences. In the current Survo version, only a limited set of Survo operations is employing the new error recovery scheme. Such operations are FILE SHOW,CORR,LINREG,FACTA. S = More information on sucros