DISCO <data>,<output line> / Reijo Sund 2001 Knowledge DISCOvery tools for Survo Performs some data mining operations on active string variables in <data>. The order of variable blocks must be specified by BLOCKORDER=<activation letters> and the operation method by METHOD=<EXTRACT,REMAP,FIND>. The upper limit of different boolean items in variables can be given by MAXITEMS=<number of items>. EXTRACT-method scans throught data and counts the occurences of different items in variables. The items are written to a text file if the output file is specified by ITEMOUTFILE=<file>. Using REMAP-method it is possible to "rename" the items in data. However, the original data is not altered - the name for output (text) file must by given by REMAPOUTFILE=<file>. The remapping rules - of the same form as EXTRACT-method's output - are specified by REMAPFILE=<file>. FIND-method performs level-wise frequent itemset counting for boolean items (See e.g. Han & Kamber (2001): Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, chap. 6). The minimum frequency threshold can be specified by MINFREQ=<threshold frequency>. The results are written to a text file if specification FREQOUTFILE=<file>. The ITEMOUTFILE-specification can be used as in EXTRACT-method. M = More information on multivariate analysis