MAT #INDVAR FROM <matrix> TO <Survo_data_file> marks subsets (samples) of size n of <Survoa_data_file> by generating 0-1 indicator variables, say S1,S2,...,Sm, so that Si indicates by 1's the observations whose #'s appear in ascending order as the i'th row of an m x n matrix file <matrix>. The actual names of the indicator variables are the same as the column labels of <matrix> and they are created as new variables in <Survo_data_file> if needed. MAT #INDVAR is a companion operation to MAT #SAMPLES which generates m samples of size n from integers 1,2,...,N and saves them as a m x n matrix with row labels S1,S2,...,Sm. Active records of <Survo_data_file> cannot be limited by IND etc. specifications. A = More about additional MAT #operations M = More about MAT operations