FILE SAVE MAT <matrix file> TO <Survo data file> saves a matrix file to a Survo data file. The first line (row) to be copied from the matrix file is given by the specification FIRST=<# of first line>. Default is FIRST=1. Similarly, the last row to be copied is given by LAST=<# of last row>. Default is the last row in the matrix. The columns of the matrix are copied to variables of the data file according to the column labels (8 first characters of names should match). If a variable corresponding to a certain matrix column does not exist, a new numeric variable is created. The type (1,2,4 or 8) of new variables can be given by TYPE=<type>. Default is TYPE=4. Without a MATCH specification, all the rows will be copied to the Survo data file as new observations. If the first field in the data file is of the string type, the row labels will be copied to this field (as names of new observations). However, if a specification LABEL=<name_of_variable> is given, the row labels are saved in this variable. If the Survo data file does not exist, a new file will be automatic- ally created with suitable dimensions. To extend existing observations in the Survo data file, a MATCH specification can be given. If MATCH is omitted, all the rows will be copied to the Survo data file as new observations. MATCH=<name of a string field> specifies the field in the Survo data file whose contents should be equal to the label of the row to be copied. The order of the observations in the matrix file and in the data file must be same. By giving MATCH=# the observations are copied from the matrix file to the data file without a match variable, but the first row to be copied will placed as the first observation in the data file. M = More information on MAT operations S = More information on multivariate statistical analysis F = More information on Survo data management