MAT LOAD <matrix file>,<format>,L loads <matrix file> to the edit field using the optional <format>. L will be the first line in the edit field for the loaded matrix. Examples: MAT LOAD R,##.###,10 MAT LOAD R,20 If <format> is omitted, a proper format will be sought automatically. MAT LOAD <matrix file> loads <matrix file> immediately after the command line. Also parts (submatrices) may be loaded as follows: MAT LOAD R(6:10,1:5),10 loads a submatrix of R consisting of the rows 6-10 and of the columns 1-5. For temporary displays of matrix files use /MATSHOW <matrix_file> or /MATSHOW <matrix_file>,<format>. Example: /MATSHOW CORR.M,12.123 L = LOADM operation for output in partitioned form A = Elements of matrices in editorial computing M = More information on MAT operations