Various matrix computations may be performed by MAT operations. The MAT operations work with matrices saved in special matrix files. Each matrix file contains only one matrix referred to by the name of the file. The default extension for matrix files is .MAT For example, MAT C=A+B (or MAT C~A+B) computes the sum of matrices in files A.MAT and B.MAT and writes the result in file C.MAT on the current data disk. Each matrix in a matrix file has also a name which tells the origin of the matrix in question. The MAT operations update these names using normal matrix algebra notations. Assume that in the preceding example A has a name X'*X and B has a name Y'*Y. Then C will have the name X'*X+Y'*Y. After the MAT operation the current name of the result will be displayed on the operation line as follows: MAT C=A+B / *C~X'*X+Y'*Y S20*20 'S20*20' tells that C is now a symmetric 20x20 matrix. To display the numerical results, MAT LOAD operation should be employed. M = More information on Matrix operations