LIST COUNT,<Survo_list>,<phrases_name> PHRASES <phrases>: <phrase 1> <phrase 2> ... counts the frequencies of given phrases (strings) in <Survo_list> and writes the results as a column of frequencies after phrases. By default LIST COUNT equates upper and lower case letters. To make it work in a case-sensitive way, insert an extra parameter `C' as follows: LIST COUNT,<Survo_list>,<phrases_name>,C Hyphenated words (as Fin- land) divided into two consecutive lines are connected (as Finland) by default (HYPHENS=1). To ignore hyphenating, set HYPHENS=0 . Counting may be restricted to selected columns by the specification COLS=C1,C2 . Default is the entire edit line without the control column, i.e. C1=1 . For example, by COLS=0,0 only control characters are considered. Also keywords, strings, and phrases with shadow characters in specific positions are observed. The following `general' phrases are available: Frequency of #chapters chapters in the current Survo list #records blocks separated by one ore more empty lines #lines edit lines (empty lines included) #words strings separated by ` 's or line ends #integers integer numbers #numbers numbers (integers and decimal numbers) #characters all characters (trailing spaces not included) #spaces spaces (trailing spaces not included) #digits digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 #letters letters (ÅÄÖÜåäöü included) #special characters #characters-#spaces-#digits-#letters The above features as well as certain other options are illustrated by activating /LCDEMO L = More information on LIST operations