As an extension of editorial computing, various numerical conversions may be performed by activating expressions like <number_or_word>(<unit1>:<unit2>)=_ For example, 440(yard:meter)=402.336 gives 440 yards as 402.336 meters. In place of <number_or_word>, no composite expressions are accepted. If <number_or_word> is missing, '1' is used as default. For example, 1(yard:meter)=0.9144 (yard:meter)=0.9144 Multiple activations occur along the rules of editorial computing by using '.=' instead of '='. For example, (ton:kg).=_ (pound:kg).= (pound:ounce).= gives (ton:kg).=1000 (pound:kg).=0.45358541666624 (pound:ounce).=16 If a conversion between unsuitable units like (kg:m)= is attempted, an error message 'Conversion from kg to m is impossible!' is displayed. When appropriate, the prefixes of the International System like 'mega' and 'micro' are recognized. Examples: (megaton:ton)=1000000 (nanometer:Ångström)=1 (femtosecond:sec)=1e-015 The data base for units of measurement is the edit field MEASURES.EDT in the \SYS subdirectory of Survo. This field lists the possible units with pertinent information in alphabetic order. The user can edit this field by following instructions given in the same edit field. C = More information on numerical conversions