PLOT <data> / TYPE=ANDREWS plots each observation of a multivariate data set as a curve Y(t)=X1/sqr(2)+X2*sin(t)+X3*cos(t)+X4*sin(2t)+X5*cos(2t)+... (-pi<t<pi) where X1,X2,... are (scaled) variables selected from <data>. The variables involved as well as their scalings are determined by a list following the PLOT operation: VARIABLES: A B Term <name of X1> A1 B1 1/sqr(2) <name of X2> A2 B2 sin(t) <name of X3> A3 B3 cos(t) etc. END Each variable Xi will be scaled by using it in the form Xi'=(Xi-Ai)/Bi. If Ai is replaced by a '*', the mean of the variable in the current data will be used. Similarly a '*' as Bi implies the standard deviation to be selected. A fixed scaling with constant Ai and Bi values A,B can be given by a specification FSCALING=A,B and it overrides the values in the VARIABLES list. For example, FSCALING=0,1 means that all the variables are used without rescaling. If the PLOT operation (with TYPE=ANDREWS) is activated without a VARIABLES list, a model of such a list will be written in the edit field below the PLOT line on request. The PLOT operation for Andrews' curves is supported by the typical extra specifications used in curve plotting (like HEADER,HOME,SIZE,FRAME, XDIV,YDIV,GRID,TICK,XSCALE,YSCALE,XLABEL,YLABEL). However, neither scale transformations nor fills are permitted. LABEL=<label variable>,<step>,<shift> is an extra specification determining a label variable (name) for identifying each curve by a label to be printed on the curve with regular intervals specified in # of plotting steps by <step>. To avoid overlapping of labels, <shift> gives the distance between the labels of consecutive curves in # of plotting steps. Parameters <step> and <shift> are optional and their default values are 30 and 4, respectively. PLOT <data> / TYPE=ANDREWS,POLAR,c draws the Andrews' curves in polar coordinates and gives the results in a layout similar to Chernoff's faces. Then the FSIZE and LABEL specifications are used as in Chernoff's faces. Parameter c is an optional additive constant in Y(t). Default is c=0. M = more information on multivariate plotting