TREND=C1,C2,... (in PLOT operation for scatter diagrams) determines lines parallel to a linear trend to be plotted. If the trend is Y=aX+b and the residual variance is s^2, then the lines Y=aX+b+Cs and Y=aX+b-Cs will be plotted for C=C1,C2,... For example, TREND=0 causes the trend itself to be drawn. The trend is estimated by the OLS method from the plotted data. However, if a BINORM specification is given, the trend will be computed according to the corresponding bivariate normal distribution. If X appears in the TREND list, also the trend line X=a'Y+b' will be plotted. Example: TREND=0,X plots the both trends. By TREND=O a trend line according to orthogonal regression is drawn. P = More information on plotting in general