XSCALE=<min.value>,<2nd value>,...,<max.value> (in PLOT operation for diagrams and curves) determines a linear scale and the scale notations on the X axis. If XSCALE is not given, scaling is automatic according to the current data. In curve plotting default is XSCALE=-10,0,10. Any point given in XSCALE may be labelled by text given after a colon ':'. For example, XSCALE=-3.1416:-pi,0,2.7183:e,3.1416:pi determines a scale from -3.1416 to 3.1416 with scale notations -pi 0 e pi The short tick line marking the scale is omitted for any scale notation by giving a '?' in front of the label: For example in XSCALE=-10,0:?0,10 all the three points are labelled normally but '0' will appear without a tick line. Symbolic notations (without parentheses) are permitted as scale values. Thus the previous example may be written as XSCALE=-pi,0,e,pi pi=3.1416 e=2.7183 Abbreviations of the form <init value>(<step>)<final value> may also be used. For example XSCALE=0(1)5,6(2)12,15 generates the scale 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10,12,15 and XSCALE=a(d)a+n*d a=10 d=2 n=5 gives 10,12,14,16,18,20. The points on the axis corresponding to scale notations are indicated by tick lines drawn normally outside the the graph area. Their length and direction can be adjusted by specifications TICKLENGTH and TICKTURN. XSCALE=<scale type>,<min.value>,...,<max.value> (in PLOT operation for diagrams and curves) determines a nonlinear scale. The rules are same as those of the previous form of XSCALE. <scale type> is given in the form *f(x) (*f(y) for YSCALE), where f is any monotonous function of x (y). In addition to standard functions (sqrt,log,exp etc.) and their combinations also the inverse cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution is available by name probit. Example: XSCALE=*log(x),1,2,5,10,20,50,100 YSCALE=*probit(y),0.001,0.01,0.1,0.5,0.9,0.99,0.999 The X scale notations can also be located above the graph by using the XSCALE2 specification and similarly the Y scale notations may appear in the right margin, too, by using YSCALE2. Y = YSCALE X = XSCALE2,YSCALE2 P = More information on plotting