SURVO MM Help System (web edition)

Several data sets can be presented in the same bar chart by using
a grouping specification
In the graph groups are separated by gaps. The width of such a gap
corresponds to the width of one bar.
In the data set the default order of variables is:
Grouping_variable    Label_of_observation    Variables_to_be_plotted

The GROUPING option is most suitable in types %HBAR,%VBAR,HBAR,VBAR
but it can be also used in other types of bar charts depending on
the situation.

The example on the next page illustrates usage of GROUPING.

Example: Bar chart of several groups   (PostScript version on the next page!)
Diagnosis    Symptom  None_ Mild Severe
Depression      SSP     34    11      6
Depression      SP      40     8      2
Depression      NSP     43     6      2
Anxiety         SSP     36    12      5
Anxiety         SP      41     9      0
Anxiety         NSP     44     3      2
Hyperactivity   SP      36    12      5
Hyperactivity   NSP     38    10      3

GPLOT D / TYPE=%HBAR   MODE=PS             GROUPING=Diagnosis
HEADER=[Swiss(15)],Prevalence_of_symptoms   XDIV=25,70,5
LEGEND=Symptom_severity:  PEN=[autom_color(0)][Swiss(10)]
SCALE=0(10)100 SIZE=1420,950 GAP=0.2,0.7,0.7 SHADING=0,1,7
VALUES=[autom_color(0.4)][Swiss(6)],##.#%,-0.5 VALUEMIN=8
FRAMES=F F=0,0,1420,950,11

/PS-PDF D.PS  / Displaying the graph by Adobe Acrobat after PLOT
HEADER=[Swiss(15)],Prevalence_of_symptoms   XDIV=25,70,5
LEGEND=Symptom_severity:  PEN=[autom_color(0)][Swiss(10)]
SCALE=0(10)100 SIZE=1420,950 GAP=0.2,0.7,0.7 SHADING=0,2,6
VALUES=[autom_color(0.4)][Swiss(6)],##.#%,-0.5 VALUEMIN=8
 X = Extra specifications for bar/pie charts: 

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