TEXTS in Survo graphics: Texts can be included in each type of Survo plots on the screen (GPLOT) or in the PostScript format (PLOT). Texts are given in PLOT schemes by various specifications (see e.g. HEADER? TEXTS? SCALE? XSCALE? YSCALE? XLABEL? YLABEL?). Since, in editorial interface, characters 'space' and 'comma' (,) are important delimiters, they cannot be used in texts as such. A space must be replaced by _ and a comma must be replaced by ; If characters ; and _ are needed in these texts, they can be typed as \; and \_ respectively. Example: ....................................................................... See what happens to HEADER=Example:_comma_;_semicolon_\;;_space__;_underscore_\_ when activated by GPLOT /FRAME Then the header will appear in the graph in the form Example: comma , semicolon ;, space , underscore _ .......................................................................