The number, sizes and locations of graphics windows are controlled by the command GPLOT /LAYOUT <text file with .SYS extension>. GPLOT /LAYOUT (without parameter) lets Windows to position graphics windows automatically. Max. # is 300. The default setting of Survo graphics windows is typically gplot_layout=SUR_G3.SYS (given in SURVO.APU). These SYS files are located in the subdirectory of SURVO MM containing GPLOT modules (in <Survo>\U\G). The contents of SUR_G3 is 3 1024 768 / # of windows and size of the reference screen 700 0 300 225 / locations and sizes of windows in pixels 700 250 300 225 700 500 300 225 Certain predefined settings can be selected most easily by soft buttons SYSTEM -> GRAPH. Specifications WHOME=<x>,<y> and WSIZE=<window_width>,<window_height> always override the current setting permitting a temporary positioning of a graphic window irrespective of the current /LAYOUT setting. <x> and <y> give the coordinates of the top-left corner of the window in the coordinate system where (0,0) is the top-left corner of the screen. (This is a Windows OS convention). In these specifications, notations WX and WY are permitted giving the width and height of the entire screen. ........................................................................ For example, GPLOT Y(X)=X / WHOME=WX/2,0 WSIZE=WX/2,WY/2 plots the graph in a window which is in the top right corner of the screen and takes one quarter of the total size of the screen. ........................................................................ Specifications HOME=<x_home>,<y_home> and SIZE=<plot_size>,<plot_width> give the actual location and size of the graph in logical coordinates. HOME=0,0 now refers to the bottom-left corner of the of the current graphics window. (This is a normal convention in all reasonable systems.) G = More information on GPLOT P = More information on plotting in general