SURVO MM Help System (web edition)

The symbol of Euro (European monetary unit) is represented in
the edit field by e (i.e. e with shadow character E).
The Survo PostScript driver PS.DEV outputs this character
as the Euro symbol.
If in certain applications the shadow `E' has been reserved for other
purposes, it can be replaced by another character, say `y', by giving
the following control lines in the PRINT list

- [%euro_shadow=y]
- shadow y: [EURO0] [EURO][NORMAL]

In exchange of different currencies Euro is represented by EUR.
For example (EUR:FIM)=5.94573
For the Finnish users:
Pehmonapistosta löytyy uusi e-nappi, jolla voi muuntaa euroja markoiksi
ja markkoja euroiksi hyvin helposti:
Kirjoitetaan esim. 120 mk
ja kohdistimen ollessa mk:n perässä (mk_) näpäytetään hiirellä e-nappia.
Tällöin jatkoksi ilmestyy 120 mk (20.18 e) eli sama summa euroina.
Vastaavasti muunnetaan esim. 20 e (118.91 mk).
  P = More information on PostScript printing/plotting 

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